Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Fighting for Ourselves

There are many things to fight for in our lives. We can fight for whatever we believe in, whether it be in justice, politics, freedom, we can stand up and defend for whatever we want to happen or change. Our human race has been given the ability to speak with persuasion, using words to convince and coax change out of others. For many years we've had debates about many things such as education, wars, international affairs, but the one thing we've forgotten is ourselves. If we are the change in the world and mold it into something that we believe in, then I think that we should believe in ourselves.

Society has nearly sucked out all the individuality in our teenagers these days. To fit in the puzzle piece of society is so important to teenagers. This is a generalization but there are those who just don't have the courage to be different than what life requires and stand for what they believe. There can be people who can and will fight with bravery in what they think is right, which can result into being shot down or wanting to be heard again. But what about those with the unexpressed brilliant ideas, they are so concerned about what it will look like if they stand up for a religion or stand up for concept that they believe in.
"A heart can be broken
And the world could go on,
A life could be ended
No one will notice, until you speak up,
Do not hold back from the right thing."
The clothes we wear, the songs we listen to, the people we hang out with, aren't the structure of who we are and what we can put confidence into. It's the people who can inspire us and the reasons why we do things that make us who we are and what can spark these thoughts is the abstract mind.  Our voices are the weapons of the mind. To speak the mind is a common phrase, and to me, teenagers are losing their minds in the chaotic ways of society.

To remember who you are is important. We are people. According to the dictionary this is how we as people are defined. "Human beings, as distinguished from animals and other beings" or "The entire body of persons, who constitute a community, tribe, nation, or other group by a virtue of a common culture, history, or religion..." This is what makes us people. What makes a person is, as according to the dictionary, "The actual self or individual personality of a human being" A person who is an actual self, or has an individual personality. What it means to fight for something, is to have something inside of you and want to make it known or cause a change in others to stand up for the cause. A personality would affect this, it's a bias, on how you would see it. The human personality can vary on how you would perceive an idea, this would also change on how you would fight for it. If you don't have a personality, how can you know what is worth fighting for? A person each has their each characteristics that make them who they are, and that is worth fighting for.

It sometimes can be hard to fight for what you believe in. Being our age, it's easy to believe that you can't make a difference and that you are just one person. But that's exactly what can motivate us, being young and knowing who we are and what we stand for. It's so important to understand this. It could be many years before someone comes along and realizes what we stand for. Anne Frank, a young Jewish girl living in Nazi Germany, wrote a diary about her experiences in the secret Annex. She was an upstander because she wrote the truth about Germany and she wrote about hopes and dreams that she had. Her father Otto helped a dream come true after the war, Anne wanted her voice to be heard and she wanted her diary to be published, unfortunately Anne died during the war, but millions have read about Anne standing up for what she believed in. This relates to knowing about yourself because Anne knew what what she wanted and she knew herself so that she could fight for it, she dreamed of getting her diary publicized to the world and that they could her what she had to say about society.

To be an upstander in society its important to know what you are standing up for. Having something like this can make what you fight for even stronger. But to know what you believe in, that is what you need to fight for yourself? People have things that they believe that is worth standing up to and whether its bad or good they believe it's something that makes something worth fighting for, and to have that belief and to believe in yourself is something that is worth taking a stand for.

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