Monday, January 17, 2011

Coming a MM (milimeter) closer to knowing myself

Mr. Whitting and Mrs. Narsiman both enter the classroom. They hand us sheets with weird figures drawn on them, two eyes, two eye sockets, two ears, two hands, two legs. They explain about the brain, how our brains have two hemispheres. The right, which controls the left side of the body, and the left side, which controls the right. Kids who had health or are doing health, all groan in unision and some even hiss to their neighbor "I already know what I am, we did this in health!" the people who haven't done this, look around awkwardly and pretend to know what is going on. Mr. Whitting explains more about the brain and how we shut down if go through too much stress. We all did the little tests, and each of us got one of the profiles that were piled into a black binder. Mine was MM.

I learn from metaphors, examples, and associations. I look and listen for intention and emotion. I am also highly intuitive, often I will do things that just feel right, not knowing the truth or the reasoning behind my decision. I am also very physically and emotionally expressive. The best way to talk to me, is by me turning my head to my left ear, and rather looking at the person, I must listen to the tone, pitch, and rhythm. I learn best when I am moving and I need to see the whole context, or the whole picture and having an emotional relevance to myself before I actually have it best learnt.

I learn best when I move around. I am a kinesthetic learner so I must move around. I was suggested to do Lazy 8's during while I am sitting. It will help if I do cross lateral movements, cross crawl, and Hook Ups from Brain Gym. I can learn well by focusing the whole picture, context and emotional relevance to self. I must be able to see, hear, move or verbalize the whole context before learning the details. I must be moving myself to help me think (it will most likely be my hands)

I often will understand the main idea, but I might have a great trouble seeing and communicating the details. I have trouble following step by step instructions, I will tend to follow my intuition and do what seems apropriate. I will often start imagining what will happen in the end rather than thinking about it. My movemens tend to be relaxed and energetic when I am relaxed, but when I'm stressed, I willbe cautious, clumsy and stuck.

My teacheres should know, I have difficulty with pennmanship, but I benefit from fine motor, hand-eye coordinations as well. My left eye reads right to left, I may have trouble reading or writting langues that move from left to right like English. I may reverse or tanspose letters/numbers.

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