Wednesday, August 18, 2010

10 things I like about Me

Converse, a house T-shirt, ipod, running shoes, a crafted box, seashell, music sheet, and a US Olympic sweatshirt. This is me in 10 objects!

My red house T-shirt is really important to me. Tt represents which house I am in, Tupai. It shows my support to the school and it's important that I don't lose it, because I used this T-shirt in 6th grade. ISKL is important to me because it's one of my favorite schools. I have been 4 schools so far. It's one of my favorites because I like how this school has good beliefs the school encourages us to think creatively, reason critically, live ethically, collaborate constructively and communicate effectively it also values, kindness, honesty, and respect. This makes ISKL is very friendly and surrounds you with a feeling like you j ust ate a warm brownie and ice cream. When I first came here, I was very nervous. My brothers had told me Middle School was going to be terrifying and extraordinarily exhausting. I got over these anxieties by the first week of school. All the teachers were helpful and everyone was very friendly.

I chose to put my black converse in my photo since Converse is one of my favorite shoes. they are light-weight, stylish, and they go with almost anything. The converse you see in the photo were my first converse. They were hand-me downs from one of my friends in Hong Kong. I used them in 5th grade and I used them sometimes in 6th grade. One of my friends here at ISKL gave me colorful laces to string on. So these shoes connect me with my friend in Hong Kong who was one of my best friends to another friend here in Malaysia.

I have tennis shoes on top of the converse since I really enjoy sports. I like running. Unfortunately running in the heat is not easy. When I run, I look forward to competition. I love to have competition. I love the gloating feeling I get when I win but of course I shake hands with the competitor. I love the energy I use take off and beat the person next to me. I just love that! My favorite sport is Softball. The reason I like softball is because in softball, you use a lot of your muscles. You use you're hands to catch, pitch, and bat. You use your legs as well. So it's really convenient to have some tennis shoes on your feet during a sport. I like these tennis shoes because, they have cool colors and they are very comfortable. I bought these tennis shoes over the summer in the US.

Next to the shoes is a box. My sister bought this box for me in China. I like this box because I love the colors on it, it's very useful to keep coins in there and small things in it. Half my family is now out of the home and in College or out in the world, so getting this gift was really special to me since my siblings are away from home. My siblings don’t get me gifts from where they travel. The only thing they bring back are hugs and stories. They say that they can’t afford to bring me gifts and that their suitcases are so full they can’t bring me any gifts.

Sitting near the box, is an ipod shuffle. This was my first ipod shuffle and I used it so many times in 6th grade. I got this for my 12 birthday. I had been using a CD player all my life when I wanted to listen to music, or I would just go on to Youtube so I could listen to songs that I didn't have. This ipod shuffle was my brother’s old ipod, but he didn’t use it. So I kept asking for it. Finally on my birthday, I found it sitting on the table. I was extremely surprised. I thought my brother would never give it up. I was so excited I could barely eat my breakfast. My brother had some songs I didn’t want I had to take the time to re-sync it. I like to listen to all kinds of music. I used to listen to oldies as a little kid. I still do sometimes when the pop music today just doesn’t cut it. I love to listen to Queen and Beatles the most.

I have a seashell because my mother is from California, and she loves the beach. I grew up to love the beach as well. So I got the seashell near a river at my old home in Maryland during the summer. The seashell reminded me of the sea so I kept it. Maryland was the last American state I had lived in before we moved to Asia. My family were sitting by the Chesapeake River, we were eating crab at a local crab restaurant. I found the seashell on our way to the car. This always takes me back to the warm mosquito infested summers. The sight of murky water in the bay. The sound of true Marylanders cracking open their red soft shell crab. The feeling of crab guts oozing out on your hands. The taste of the salty, old bay seasoning, which is a seasoning you use on crab. It flavors up the warm, buttery crab. When I look at the shell, I can smell, taste, and hear all those things.

Underneath everything is a sheet of music. In my culture, music is a really big thing. All of my family have played an instrument before. Some of us don't play anymore. So this was a choir sheet I had gotten last year. I love to sing. I love going to choir and learning more about music and how to be a better singer. Most people, when they hear of choir, they laugh. It does sound kind of funny when you say "I'm going to choir next" but music is a big thing for my family. I don't want to become famous, I just want to sing for fun. My favorite part of singing is when it’s at first unison but then, when you break up into harmony, it’s sounds amazing. Often times I get goosebumps listening to alto or soprano. I also love when you do a round, or also known as a Cannon. I love the crisscrossing melodies. Another thing I love about singing is when you see a high note on the sheet and you think to yourself “that’s so high!” and then you hit the note perfectly, you feel light-headed but you know you sounded great and it sounded great with the lower part.

I have a sweatshirt in the photo as well. This was my brother's sweatshirt, I just outgrew my old one, so I got his. This was a sweatshirt from the winter Olympics in Utah. It took place in 2002 and I just like wearing the sweatshirt because it's old and comfortable, and I keep it as a memento. There was a matching hat, I just couldn't find it. There is something about wearing my brother’s jacket connects us together. It’s a brother and sister bond. We both don’t get along often. But this special jacket reminds me how we both are siblings and we need to care for each other.

Last object is a stuffed Beluga. A Beluga is a type of dolphin. It's white and it's small. This is my oldest stuffed animal I have. I got it around age 6 or 5. I got it in Utah at Park City because we used to live in Utah. It was a cold day I think, and my Mom took me to a toy shop that was shutting down. She let me and my brothers buy something. My brother Joseph, had bought some crayons that when you colored with them, the color shined. I bought the beluga. Now that I look back, I had named the dolphin countless of names. In fact, it took me about the whole car ride home to settle on a name. I was 6, so I didn't know when I was 12 I would kick myself internally for not naming it something else. I named it Fluffy. It's a dolphin. It's not supposed to be "fluffy" but it was a stuffed animal. It had to be ‘Fluffy’. It squeaks too.

Who would’ve thought, that 10 objects would be able to describe my past and my present?

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Matt Harding response

I think that Matt Harding has a very creative, energetic, original, and globalized idea. I think it's great that he goes around dancing a really goofy dance. Past the smiles, I think this is a really great way to connect people to the world. I bet some people who watch this on youtube would be very interested about this clip. It's a great way to show people how people in the next country or halfway across the world act just like us. I'm American, I grew up in America for most my life. I thought it was cool that someone in Australia had the same moves that I did when I danced. I've never even been to Australia. I hope that even if our homes are far apart, we all live different lifestyles, that one day, we'll come together instead of being strangers, we can help each other when we need it.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

“Heroes take journeys, confront dragons, and discover the treasure of their true selves.”

My blog title was changed to “Heroes take journeys, confront dragons, and discover the treasure of their true selves.” -Carol Lynn Pearson. I chose this quote because I thought it sent a good message. It sent a good one because since we are learning about the ways of a hero, I thought it was pretty clever that it says something like "Not only does a hero do amazing things like fight off a dragon, but they also discover what they are and who they are inside and out." This is important for a hero because if he or she isn't able to decide what they want, or who they are, then it's going to be hard when they just have to fit in. It's like an everyday person may just know more about themselves then a hero would, because an everyday person would know what he or she wanted, when they wanted it, or how they wanted it to be like, but a hero on the other hand might not, because of publicity, pressure, or no self confidence. I read online, that to make a person a hero, they have to believe in themselves and others, they also have to have someone on the sidelines cheering for someone. We may not see it now, but I believe we are heroes. Maybe we're not stop pollution or finding a cure for cancer, but we may be the heroes of our own story.

I believe in Compliments

The last time I had received a compliment was just today. It wasn't much of a compliment but it felt like a compliment to me. I was talking to my Mom about my Global Issues class and I was asking about her opinion. After she was done, I asked her if I asked the other kids parents about the questions I asked her, if their response would be different. She said to me "Probably not, I learned about this in collage."

When she said this, it made me feel really great. I was pretty excited that I was learning a simpler version of what my Mother was learning in collage. I also found this class very interesting, it made me really made me think about how I was really lucky, It had also opened my eyes to the world around me. It was something my Mom and I may have in common. I was really interested to hear this from my Mom because I had always thought that my Mom and I had completely different interests

The last time I had complimented someone it was also today. It was on the bus today. A girl was talking about her watch and her bracelet. I told her I liked her bracelet. Complimenting her did not make me feel any better, but at the time I'm sure she felt pretty good about what I had said about her watch.

After watching the complimenting video, at first I thought it sounded like a pretty good idea, but then after a while, I didn't think it sound very sincere. If I were walking by those same guys every single day, I wouldn't think that they were being very sincere. It still sounds like they were trying just to cheer up people, but it sort of sounded like a joke. I wouldn't take them very seriously, if I were talking to them.