Tuesday, August 10, 2010

“Heroes take journeys, confront dragons, and discover the treasure of their true selves.”

My blog title was changed to “Heroes take journeys, confront dragons, and discover the treasure of their true selves.” -Carol Lynn Pearson. I chose this quote because I thought it sent a good message. It sent a good one because since we are learning about the ways of a hero, I thought it was pretty clever that it says something like "Not only does a hero do amazing things like fight off a dragon, but they also discover what they are and who they are inside and out." This is important for a hero because if he or she isn't able to decide what they want, or who they are, then it's going to be hard when they just have to fit in. It's like an everyday person may just know more about themselves then a hero would, because an everyday person would know what he or she wanted, when they wanted it, or how they wanted it to be like, but a hero on the other hand might not, because of publicity, pressure, or no self confidence. I read online, that to make a person a hero, they have to believe in themselves and others, they also have to have someone on the sidelines cheering for someone. We may not see it now, but I believe we are heroes. Maybe we're not stop pollution or finding a cure for cancer, but we may be the heroes of our own story.


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